CommunityHealth Fix


The Benefits of Anterior Hip Replacement Surgery



Making the decision to undergo hip replacement surgery can be tough, especially when you consider the pros and cons of each surgical option. While traditional hip replacement surgery continues to yield successful results, newer techniques involving muscle- and tissue-sparing approaches may be a better option for your situation.

What is anterior hip replacement surgery?

Anterior hip replacement surgery is a muscle- and tissue-sparing alternative to traditional hip replacement. During traditional hip replacement surgery, a surgeon usually operates through an incision site on the patient’s side or back. He or she must cut through muscles and tendons to reach the hip joint. During anterior hip replacement surgery, the surgeon avoids cutting through major muscle groups by making a small incision at the front (anterior) of the hip and operates on the joint between the muscles. Although some tissue must be cut to reach the joint, the operation does spare muscles and tendons, allowing the patient to move the joint during recovery.

Benefits of anterior hip replacement surgery

  • Minimizes muscle damage
  • Less pain
  • Faster recovery time
  • Improved mobility
  • Improved stability
  • Reduced scarring
  • Reduced risk for dislocation after surgery

Is this surgical option for you?

Bottom line, speak with your physician and learn about the pros and cons of each surgical option. In some cases, traditional hip replacement surgery is your best option, especially if your condition is complicated. However, more and more patients are seeing successful results from anterior hip replacement. Both surgical options come with risks, so it is important to fully understand each procedure before making a decision.