SALT LAKE CITY -- Democratic State Senator Jim Dabakis is well-known for his activism on behalf of the LGBT community, but his efforts in the Utah legislature are broader than just those issues.
The outspoken senator recently sat down with Bob Evans to answer 3 Questions, see the video above for his interview and his responses to the questions below:
- Tell me about your trip to Iran, you just got back, why did you go?
- Bill Evans, formerly of LDS Public Affairs and now on the board of Affirmation, describes the relationship between the LDS Church and the LGBT community as a warm and working relationship, how you would you characterize it?
- A recent Pew Research study found that only 48 percent of Mormons nationwide now identify as Republicans, as compared to 61 percent in 2012. Does that leave the door open for Utah to turn purple or maybe even blue?