

Did drone capture video of Bigfoot in Idaho?


HAWKINS RESERVOIR, Idaho – A man claiming to have captured drone video of Bigfoot running across southeast Idaho is now coming clean about the findings.

YouTuber “hardpack101” posted the first video earlier this month claiming to have spotted Sasquatch at Hawkins Reservoir, west of Downey and about 35 miles south of Pocatello.

The clip shows a large shadowed figure moving across the field before disappearing into the wooded area.

One YouTube post claims the video is “relatively compelling, and while not conclusive proof of Bigfoot, it is worth taking a look at.”

It has been viewed more than 500,000 times.

Idaho State University professor and noted Bigfoot expert Dr. Jeff Meldrum told the Idaho State Journal that, not only is it unusual for Bigfoot to be seen out in broad daylight, but questioned how the photographer managed to see it from the sky.

Now a second video has appeared on YouTube, coming clean about the blurry creature in the original footage.

This guy is obviously not Bigfoot but hey, it was fun while it lasted…. right?