Health and lifestyle wise there is nothing new to report in my life. I am still doing well with my diet and exercise, and I am excited to start my weight training to tone muscles next week. So far I have mostly been doing cardio.
I want to give a big shout out to the Jordan High School softball team for making it to the post season after an 8-year drought!
I was able to spend Mother’s Day with my mother, sisters and their families. But the highlight of the week for me was having my daughter Sister Te’o Skype with us on Mother’s Day. She’s serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Philippines.
She left last July, and Mother’s Day is one of two holidays when we get the opportunity to Skype with her. Other times we mail her things, but as our last Christmas package proves that can involve humorously-long delays.
Thank you to everyone for your support, and have a Budahful Day!