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Info: Free Ski/Snowboard Registration

and last updated

Cooler weather is announcing the beginning of the Winter season and many outdoor enthusiasts are already tuning up their skis and snowboards. PCPD hopes to reduce thefts this season by continuing its successful and convenient ski/snowboard registration program. This is the 6th year of the successful program and since its inception only one registered set of skis or snowboards (nearly 2,000) has been reported stolen.

Residents may register their skis at the Park Avenue police facility during regular business hours; the police department will periodically set up registration booths at the ski resorts; or it can be done online at Those completing the registration online will be sent the registration stickers through the mail. There is no charge for the registration

Officers will take down the serial #, brand and color of your equipment and the information will be entered in a database available to police agencies in the local area. We also register bicycles.

Questions may be directed to PCPD Reserve Officer Bill Morris, (435) 615-5538 or email address: